Cards that makes positive parenting easy!

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Life Journey books for young adults

Life Journey books for young adults

Posted on 7 july 2022

The development and free distribution of these self-help books is our little way to contribute to guide adults and children going through challenging and difficult circumstances, build resilience within. The book allows for the reader to self-reflect on their experiences during the journey, encouraging them find inner strength and confidence in their future. My Life Journey Book, the activity book for children from Ukraine Life Journey books for young adults and parents who have had to leave their country MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE BOOKLETS #freedownload




Posted on 8 april 2022

FREE DOWNLOAD My Life Journey Book is an activity book for children from Ukraine. In this book children can write their experiences of the journey, but also their memories of Ukraine and their hopes for the future. Mylifejourneybook strenghtens the resilience of children by making them aware of their own strength and sources of support. Alternating with games, questions are asked about their journey, daily life in Ukraine and in the host country and things that make them happy such as their favourite music, food and superhero. Please share, copy and print the files so many children can benefit :-) Lifebook for Youth team, Het begint bij mij, FICE NL and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.   #mylifejourneybook


How to convert (negative) thoughts, negative patterns into positive ones

How to convert (negative) thoughts, negative patterns into positive ones

Posted on 26 march 2019

A card to make children aware of helpful (positive) and non-helpful thoughts (negative) they have. Children can write or draw the situation in the boxes and add the thoughts they had at that moment. By giving children an insight into their thoughts and by teaching them that they can influence their thoughts and feeling, you can stimulate children to convert (negative) acquired behaviour and negative patterns into positive ones.


NEW Fruit tasting reward chart

NEW Fruit tasting reward chart

Posted on 27 september 2017

Fruit tasting reward chart Reward card to motivate children to taste various kind of fruits. On this card you can monitor how often your child has tasted banana, apple, orange, grapes or kiwi. Since children get used to a taste after several times, it is likely that your child will like the fruits hereafter! All these reward charts are free printable via The cards are ment to make parenting more fun and easy for both parents and children. Fruit bingo is also printable as a reward system to stimulate children to taste and eat different kind of fruits. You earn a check mark if you have tasted the fruit. You have bingo when all boxes are crossed. All these reward charts are free printable via 


Holiday planner - new free printable

Holiday planner - new free printable

Posted on 15 september 2017

One more new planner on this parenting website: a holiday planner, especially for kids who need structure! With this planner, they can fill in for 5 days what they intend to do. This prevents children from being bored or just wanting to play on a screen: television, phone, tablet, etc. Parenting tip: agree upon the rule that a screen can be filled in once a day and on the other moments of the day other activities should be planned, including at least one outdoor activity and a chore.


New pain scale chart

New pain scale chart

Posted on 15 september 2017

Finally I got time to add a couple of new charts. One of them I made on request of a mother of whom the son needsdaily  injections. She would like to help him en hopes that the pain scale will help him see his pain is decreasing over time. The reward sticker is there for positive stimulations. I am very glad she asked me to devellop a chart for her son. Hopefully it helps! In case you miss a chart on my website or if you miss a translation (on the Dutch version of my website more charts are avaible) please contact me ( If you have a good idea I probably will make the chart for you.


New countdown calendars Christmas

New countdown calendars Christmas

Posted on 21 november 2016

This weekend I made two new Countdown calendar Christmas for kids. I hope you do like them and print the cards for your kids. I am especially happy with de Santa countdown calender, because you can stick cotton balls on the numbers. This way at the end Santa will have a real beard! All these really nice countdown calendars for kids are free printable via in English. My cards are ment to make parenting more fun and easy for both parents and children.


Free certificates for children

Free certificates for children

Posted on 7 november 2016

Did you know that you can print all kind of certificates for kids on this website?? Really nice and positive way to encourage kids to learn new things. For example certificates for cycling, toothbrushing, reading, math and one well done certificate. You can see, download and print the certificates on this website via this page.


Shoe calendars Sinterklaas

Shoe calendars Sinterklaas

Posted on 7 november 2016

Today I posted new free printable shoecalendars on this website. This is fun for parents and children who celebrate the traditional Dutch and Belgian Sinterklaas. On a shoe calendar Sinterklaas or Piet can indicate if your child can place his shoe in front of the fireplace in the evening and will receive a present in his shoe next morning. Piet can indicate this by colouring the shoes of those days for example. This creates clarity and perhaps reduces stress a little. Maybe it also decreases the number of times your child asks if the shoe may be put ... your child can put this shoe calendar in his shoe, the next morning, he finds a list filled in by Sinterklaas or Piet in his shoe! There is also a countdown calendar for 5 dec or 6 dec the day of presents!! Or a countdown calendar till the day Sinterklaas arrives.


Christmas countdown calendars!!

Christmas countdown calendars!!

Posted on 20 november 2014

I designed many Countdown calendars Christmas. All these really nice countdown calendars are free printable via The cards are ment to make parenting more fun and easy for both parents and children.


Chore list for kids

Chore list for kids

Posted on 25 september 2014

I have made a list showing chores that children can do to help at home. They are simple chores that young children can do as well. There is also a chore list on which you can fill in the chores yourself. I suggest to do this together with your child so you can both decide what he / she could do. I personally use the card for a few months now and my kids do love to help me and do chores. As a reward, they are allowed to choose a movie that we can watch as a family on Friday evening. To earn their reward they need to have done at least 20 chores. I can highly recommend this kids chore. You'll also notice that your children can do a lot more than you previously expect of them.


Use an emotion thermometer after holidays

Use an emotion thermometer after holidays

Posted on 8 september 2014

After the long and glorious summer the school program has started again. And I do not know how it at your home, but our children are very easily angered since then and fight more. They themselves hardly realise that there are ongoing discussions and they are talking to each other in an angry tone. I find it very unsociable, but if I do say something about it, it turns out even worse ... Therefore, I think I'll start with the emotion thermometer. Perhaps, as they learn to recognize their feeling, that they can be more easily held accountable and be able to do something about it. I think that their angry behaviour has to do with stress and fatigue. They have such a busy programm after the holidays! This is the emotion thermometer I mean. You can also download it from this website at the page 'pictograms'.


My child says jokingly

My child says jokingly "stupid" "madman" "idiot" ... Is that bad?

Posted on 6 june 2014

That slowly creeps into it. Children hear the words regularly in the school and on television. Without them really understand what they say they use these words for fun. Just because it sounds funny or to tease each other. Once I say some about it and other times I just ignore it. The other time it bothers me even more because it is meant to tease. It seems very innocent and they know not what they say, but it feels good for me. Sometimes they even say to other adults "madman". What I think is difficult about this behavior is that I they are curious how I'll react, they are looking for a response. So no matter how I do react, smile or get angry, they get their attention. Ignore it, then? Just ignore it, it does not seem a good solution to me. They need to understand what they say, and that you can hurt another with it. Explain the meaning is therefore important, I think. And there are social rules that people have agreed on, for instance: Never say those words to adults or people you do not know well, because that's brutal/rude. And people do not like naughty children, so they will get troubles saying these words. Other people become sad or angry because they think you'll find their really mad or a dumb. So if you use these words and another suffers from it, that's not kind of you. Even against my three year old, I'm going to tell you this, although it is still difficult for her to understand. I believe the more often they hear something sooner they do so, and eventually understand. So my plan to deal with this is: Explain the significance and why another may suffer as they use these wordsIgnoring long as no one suffers fromCorrect if there is another person is suffering from itMy upbringing ultimate goal behind this is that I want to learn my children to take others into account. And I want them to learn how you you should behave in society.


Nice new countdown calendars for Holidays

Nice new countdown calendars for Holidays

Posted on 6 june 2014

Since today two new countdowncalendars are added on the website. In Holland holiday will start in a few weeks. My kids can't wait, so I made countdowncalendars for a Holiday. Now they can see for themselves how many days still before holiday starts. I posted them on this website as well, you can find them on the countdowncalendarspage, search on theme holiday.


Parenting Cards on Facebook

Parenting Cards on Facebook

Posted on 15 may 2014

Parenting Cards is now on Facebook! Like us and follow updates of new cards and tips how to use cards. You can also get in touch with other users of parenting cards! Go to Parenting cards on facebook.


New countdown calendars, birthday

New countdown calendars, birthday

Posted on 15 may 2014

The past few months I have again created several new countdown calendars and added them to this website. There are new countdown calendars for children with burning birthday candles. Every dag an extra candle goes on until they have their birthday. There is also a new countdown calendar to count down from two weeks before a child's admission to the hospital. The new countdown calendars for wintersport is also new and there is more to follow.  I get more experienced in making the cards I think I can make them more beautiful so... to be continued!


New daily schedule cards

New daily schedule cards

Posted on 15 may 2014

Time and again there are requests from parents for new daily schedule cards. So I made cards for snacks, going to school, morning ritual with a showering-pictogram, diabetesscheme with and without insulin pump and a music lesson schedule. All these cards can be found on the website. TIP: Use the search tools on the website to find cards faster. Search with a keyword or at a theme. Also, if you open a card on the same page below you will see other cards from that theme, sometimes there are handy cards that you would not noticed yet!


Help promoting parenting cards

Help promoting parenting cards

Posted on 29 august 2013

Today I opened an English twitter account for this site, reward charts +. The English version of my website does not attract as many visitors as the Dutch. I think that is very unfortunate because the educational cards may be valuable for many more parents and children. So tell others about these nice, practical and original reward charts, daily rythm charts and countdown calenders.


New reward cards free printable

New reward cards free printable

Posted on 2 april 2013

Finally I have got a new website for my original reward cards. I hope many parents will find and use these reward cards. Reward charts are a powerful parenting tool that can motivate a child to improve behavior in a positive way. The design of my reward cards is colorfull and simpel. Children as well as parents in Holland are enhousiastic about the cards.


New page: Free countdown calendars for kids

New page: Free countdown calendars for kids

Posted on 29 march 2013

New page: Free countdown calendars for kids countdown calendars help children understand how long it takes untill the fun and exciting event where they look forward to occurs. For example, their birthday, Christmas, first day of school, holiday, a long journey, New Year or a rehousing. I have already put over 20 different countdown calendars on the new page. There are more coming soon.


New: Pictogramcards

New: Pictogramcards

Posted on 29 march 2013

Again a new page on my website: Pictograms. Here you find different free printable emotion cards with pictograms of emotions you can use to teach children to recognize and name emotions.


#Mylifejourneybook #Mylifejourneybook Free countdown calendars Free countdown calendars Chore list for kids Chore list for kids Free certificates Free certificates Free pictogram cards Free pictogram cards Free daily routine charts Free daily routine charts Free behavior charts Free behavior charts

"We offer many free behavior charts for kids. We hope these parenting cards will support your child to become a healthy and happy adult."

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Parenting tip 
How to use a reward card?
How to use a reward chart?Temporarily use of a reward chart may well help to learn children new behavior or to unlearn bad behavior. The reward chart works as an additional incentive. For a child tangible reward stickers are often more attractive than a happy reaction from a parent. After a while, if the behavior is more natural for the child, the reward can be reduced and the positive reaction of ..
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Life Journey books for young adults

The development and free distribution of these self-help books is our little way to contribute to guide adults and children going through challenging and difficult circumstances, build resilience within. The book allows for the reader to self-reflect on their experiences during the journey, encouraging them find inner strength and confidence in their future. My Life Journey Book, the activity book for children from Ukraine Life Journey books for young adults and parents who have had to leave their country MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE BOOKLETS #freedownload

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