Cards that makes positive parenting easy!

All these tools are developped by the team of Peer3

website Peer3

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My child says jokingly "stupid" "madman" "idiot" ... Is that bad?

That slowly creeps into it. Children hear the words regularly in the school and on television. Without them really understand what they say they use these words for fun. Just because it sounds funny or to tease each other. Once I say some about it and other times I just ignore it. The other time it bothers me even more because it is meant to tease. It seems very innocent and they know not what the ...

Certificate pacifier

This cerfificate might stimulate your child to stop needing it's pacifier, dummy.

Certificate reading

This cerfificate/diploma might stimulate your child in a positive way to read more often and better.

Swallow pill

With this card you can keep track if your child remembers to swallow pills in the morning and in the evening. You can use the map at the same time as a reward card to encourage children to swallow their pill faithfully. #ADHD #diabetes #vitamine

New pain scale chart

Finally I got time to add a couple of new charts. One of them I made on request of a mother of whom the son needsdaily  injections. She would like to help him en hopes that the pain scale will help him see his pain is decreasing over time. The reward sticker is there for positive stimulations. I am very glad she asked me to devellop a chart for her son. Hopefully it helps! In case you miss a ...

Holiday planner - new free printable

One more new planner on this parenting website: a holiday planner, especially for kids who need structure! With this planner, they can fill in for 5 days what they intend to do. This prevents children from being bored or just wanting to play on a screen: television, phone, tablet, etc. Parenting tip: agree upon the rule that a screen can be filled in once a day and on the other moments o ...

Holiday planner - free printable

One more new planner on this parenting website: a holiday planner, especially for kids who need structure! With this planner, they can fill in for 5 days what they intend to do. This prevents children from being bored or just wanting to play on a screen: television, phone, tablet, etc. Parenting tip: agree upon the rule that a screen can be filled in once a day and on the other ...

Countdown calendar two weeks blue

This is a simple countdown calendar that you can fill in yourself for two weeks. Free printable via At request of a family house, where they use such a plasticized countdown calendar for each child. You can write on it with a whiteboard pen or stick stickers and adjust the countdown calender every time aga ...

Countdown calendar two weeks red

This is a simple countdown calendar that you can fill in yourself for two weeks. Free printable via At request of a family house, where they use such a plasticized countdown calendar for each child. You can write on it with a whiteboard pen or stick stickers and adjust the countdown calender every time aga ...

Convert negative thoughts into Positive thoughts

A card to make children aware of helpful (positive) and non-helpful thoughts (negative) they have. Children can write or draw the situation in the boxes and add the thoughts they had at that moment. By giving children an insight into their thoughts and by teaching them that they can influence their thoughts and feeling, you can stimulate children to convert (negative) acquired behavi ...

How to convert (negative) thoughts, negative patterns into positive ones

A card to make children aware of helpful (positive) and non-helpful thoughts (negative) they have. Children can write or draw the situation in the boxes and add the thoughts they had at that moment. By giving children an insight into their thoughts and by teaching them that they can influence their thoughts and feeling, you can stimulate children to convert (negative) acquired behaviour and negati ...


FREE DOWNLOAD My Life Journey Book is an activity book for children from Ukraine. In this book children can write their experiences of the journey, but also their memories of Ukraine and their hopes for the future. Mylifejourneybook strenghtens the resilience of children by making them aware of their own strength and sources of support. Alternating with games, questions are asked about their ...

#Mylifejourneybook #Mylifejourneybook Free countdown calendars Free countdown calendars Chore list for kids Chore list for kids Free certificates Free certificates Free pictogram cards Free pictogram cards Free daily routine charts Free daily routine charts Free behavior charts Free behavior charts

"We offer many free behavior charts for kids. We hope these parenting cards will support your child to become a healthy and happy adult."

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Parenting tip 
What can parents learn children who push, kick, hit or bite others?
Who does not recognize it : Children giving each other a push, kicking, hitting , pinching , biting or insult when they are angry ? This piece is for anyone who wants to teach children to fight less. Especially preschoolers respond directly from their own feelings. They still have to learn to empathize with another and to think first before they respond.Do not expect children to remember and appl ..
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Life Journey books for young adults

The development and free distribution of these self-help books is our little way to contribute to guide adults and children going through challenging and difficult circumstances, build resilience within. The book allows for the reader to self-reflect on their experiences during the journey, encouraging them find inner strength and confidence in their future. My Life Journey Book, the activity book for children from Ukraine Life Journey books for young adults and parents who have had to leave their country MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE BOOKLETS #freedownload

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